"War Horse" (2011)
War Horse
is a 2011 American war drama film directed and co-produced by Steven Spielberg
from a screenplay written by Lee Hall and Richard Curtis, adapted from Michael
Morpurgo's 1982 novel of the same name.
The story
is set before and during World War I and tells about the journey of a Bay
Thoroughbred horse, named Joey, who was raised by the British teenager Albert,
but is bought by the British Army, which leads him to encounter many
individuals and owners throughout Europe, while experiencing the tragedies of
the war happening around him.
While the
setting and several camera shots are simply stunning and totally worth being
mentioned, the plot made me cry rivers and I would not watch it again.
I can only recommend this drama. It´s a worthy use of your spare time and clearly shows that humans aren´t the only ones to mourn during a war. But
don´t forget the tissues.