
Es werden Posts vom Oktober, 2016 angezeigt.

"Lautlose Stufen" - Inge Becher

Deutschland 1939. Hella Arnold ist 10 Jahre alt als sie eine rätselhafte Krankheit bekommt. Immer wieder muss sie für längere Zeit ins Krankenhaus und kann kein Jungmädel werden. Dabei möchte sie doch nur eins: dazugehören. Als sie mit 14 von einem speziellen Krankenhaus erfährt, in dem ihr geholfen werden könnte, scheint ihr Wunsch geifbar zu werden. Doch ihre Eltern und ihr Arzt sind entsetzt als sie davon hören, denn noch kein Kind kehrte jemals aus dem Krankenhaus zurück. Lautlose Stufen ist ein historischer Roman in Kuzformat - doch in den 108 Seiten steckt viel, was verdaut werden muss. Gerade zwischen den Zeilen stehen so viele Informationen, die mich mich glücklich schätzen lassen, nicht zur damaligen Zeit gelebt zu haben. Die Kapitel beginnen jeweils mit sachlichen Informationen zur Hitler-Zeit, bevor sie mit der Geschichte fortfahren. Obwohl nicht so viel über Hella pesönlich erzählt wird und das Gesagte nicht auf die emotionale Schiene geschoben wird, saß ich mit dem o...

"Surviving on a Whisper" - Emilee King

Arie is not like other girls. She is on the run from people who want something that she has. Her persecutors are strong and many, but she has wits and isn´t exactly weak either. But what happens when right and wrong blend together? When the people aren´t who they seemed to be? When her whole world turns upside down? This book is amazing. I simply have to start like this. To be honest when I started it, I wasn´t caught in it immediately. Which was mostly because because I´ve read this as an e-book and on my phone and in my mind is this blockade that I can´t read on my phone. So it took me a while to read on but once I had a tablet, I finished it straight away. "Surviving on a Whisper" is not only amazing - it is a rollercoaster. You think something is true - let me tell you: It isn´t. Or is it? Wait, what did I just read? Is this real? Or the other way round? Or -? Wait, what??? So many twists. So yeah, if you´re looking for a book full of surprises and really interesting ...

"Love Letters to the Dead" - Ava Dellaira

It begins as an assignment for English class: write a letter to a dead person. Laurel chooses Kurt Cobain, because just as her sister May he died young. But she can´t stop writing, and so lots of dead people get her letters. The ghosts of her past are slowly released. She must face up to them - before they consume her. The book is entirely written in letters from Laurel. The reader becomes one with her - we see her thoughts, her flashbacks, her words, her doubts, her everything. She is showing us her world and I fell straight into it. Reading this book made think about life so often and is a great source for wonderful quotes. It also made me feel as if I was on the same level as Kurt Cobain, Amy Winehouse and all the other people she wrote. Not to forget the person who meant the most to Laurel. Ava Dellaira made me think, laugh and cry. This book is now one of my favourite books. You simply have to read it - it will change you. Words aren´t good enough for a lot of things, but w...