"Beauty and the Beast" (2017)
Today I´ve seen "Beauty and the Beast" in the cinema and I have no clue how I am still alive.
The well-known Disney film got a remake, directed by Bill Condon - A young, heartless prince (Dan Stevens) gets turned into a beast and the only chance for him (and his servants) to be normal again is if he falls in love and is loved in return. When Belle (Emma Watson) enters the castle everyone starts to hope again. But will she really be able to break the curse? Because who could ever learn to love a beast? (Here the trailer.)
Most elements were still from the original Disney film, such as most songs, lines and actions. But there are also a few new songs and I immediately fell in love with Beast´s "Evermore" - it gives me literal goosebumps!
The added plot lines fit perfectly in and I love how little things from the beginning, which you actually forget quite soon, are sweetly resolved in the end.
Of course with so many high-class actors and actresses it is no wonder that the film is such a success. Everyone plays their part astonishingly amazing - even if just by voice for most of the time. Emma Thompson is the best Mrs Potts, Ian McKellen a glorious Cocksworth, Ewan McGregor a shining Lumiére, Stanley Tucci a crazy Maestro Cadenza and Luke Evans as Gaston - heavenly!
Of course the focus is on Emma Watson and Dan Stevens - they portrayed their characters with such a finesse! Dan Stevens made me fall in love with the Beast/the prince all over again. He is sweet, caring and his library ;D
The soundtrack is a must-have and I will buy it as soon as possible and listen to it 24/7 <3
Next week I´ll go and see the film again, with my Mum, my Bestie, her Mum and another dear friend. In German though that time, which is kinda sad, because the whole charme lies in the English language for me. But I´ll update this review as soon as I saw it in German and tell you what I thought of it then :D
10/10 Stars from me for this magical, emotional, enchanted "Beauty and the Beast"!
Update: I haven´t seen the German version, because I broke my little toe and wasn´t allowed to move much that day.